You can challenge a "Training Stage" of your choice with your team of units.
Here you can acquire items to be used for enhancing gear and training your units.
Winning in Training Stages will unlock new stages to challenge.
As the stage numbers increase, enemies that appear will gradually become stronger.
However, you will also earn more EXP, Zeni, and gear of a higher rank/grade.
■Availability Period
Cannot be challenged between 4:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.(JST)
■Number of Challenges
- You can normally challenge Training Stages up to three times per day.
- However, using Training Tower Battle Tickets or Lazuli will let you challenge them additional times.
- The number of times you can use Lazuli to do so depends on your VIP rank.
(The number of challenges resets each day at 5:00 a.m.(JST))
(The amount of Lazuli required depends on how many times you have challenged the stage.)
(The number of challenges only decreases when clearing a stage. It will not decrease if you fail.)
(When Skip All is used in the Training Tower, no battle history will be recorded.)
■Stage Level
This indicates the difficulty of the enemies who will appear.